Natural Emerald


Size / Weight:5.79ct/6.36Ratti

Color: Green

Shape & Cut: Oval/Mixed


Certified: Yes

Planet Mercury (Buddha): Panna In Hindi
This gemstone is connected with Mercury (buddha) planet. Emerald gemstone strengthens communication skills and brings wisdom. This planet positively affects the situation of the wearer in terms of monetary benefits and mental health. It is a green color precious gemstone. This Gemstone is also useful for any ailment connected with the nervous system, defect in recalling, stammering, harshness in voice, students having weak IQ and also for women in delivery beds fearing complications

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Emerald, also known as Panna, is associated with the planet Mercury. According to Vedic astrology, wearing this gemstone is recommended to counteract the negative effects caused by a weak Mercury in an individual’s horoscope.

In Indian astrology, the Panna Ratna is assigned to individuals with the Mithun (Gemini) and Kanya (Virgo) Rashi (zodiac sign).

In Western astrology, an emerald is suggested as the birthstone for those born under the Cancer zodiac sign.

Moreover, individuals with Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius ascendants can also wear emeralds to harness their beneficial attributes.


Throughout the world, emerald is adorned as a fashionable gemstone. However, in Eastern countries, it is the mystical significance that elevates the popularity of this precious gem. In India, it is also known as Pachu stone, Market Mani, Parnaya, and Budh ratna, while the Greek name for emerald is Smaragdos.

Perfect for Financial, Intellectual, and Creative Ventures – Since Mercury rules insight, Panna rashi ratan is trusted to improve the wearer’s appreciation, thinking, and memory aptitudes. Stargazers therefore profoundly prescribe wearing Panna for individuals working in account, banking, accounting, share market exchanging, and so forth. Just as for individuals occupied with inventive endeavors.

Refined Oration and Communication – Mercury is viewed as the Vaani-karaka in Vedic crystal gazing. In this way, individuals experiencing discourse-related issues and low certainty can profit colossally from Panna and perform better in their social and expert lives. Obviously, panna advantages individuals working in PR, Media, or Mass Communication related jobs, the most.

Loosened up the brain, improved faculties, and quiet skin – It is accepted that wearing a Pachu stone advantages people experiencing ear, eye, and skin-related sicknesses. Panna as rashi ratan is additionally profoundly helpful in treating certain sensitivities and apprehensive issues.


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