12 Mukhi Rudraksha


Size / Weight:20mm
Origin: Nepal
This Rudraksha is ruled by lord Sun. The user of this Rudraksha gets the quality to rule and move continuously with strength and shine. It elevates leadership qualities. It is highly recommended for politicians, administrators, and managers. It is useful for people who crave name, fame, wealth, and power. It also has healing properties and can recover stomach related diseases.

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Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha

The Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha is a bead characterized by twelve lines running from top to bottom. This sacred Rudraksha is blessed by the Sun and is also known as Dwadash-Aditya, signifying its association with the twelve forms of the Sun. The immense power of the Sun bestows blessings upon this Rudraksha, enabling it to dispel lethargy and imbue the wearer with radiance and a positive outlook toward life.

According to the Padma Purana, wearing this Rudraksha can liberate the wearer from the fear of fire and diseases, providing protection and well-being.

Other Details

Symbol of: Sun
Ruling Planet: Sun
Ruling God: Lord Indra
Day of wearing: Sunday/Monday
Recommended for: Curing diseases of the eyes, Mental Disorders, Bone Diseases, Indigestion, Blood Pressure, Diabetes and Problems of the Intestine, Diseases of the Heart, Rickets, and Osteoporosis.
Influence on body organs: Cerebral hemisphere, Hiatus of stomach, Esophagus.
Properties: He is free from the sin of killing animals like elephants, horses, cats, rats, rabbits, tigers, bears, foxes, and even men. This Rudraksha removes all the sins. The person who wears this Rudraksha gets the Punya equivalent of donating 108 cows.
People’s experience: The wearer never suffers from physical and mental pains. Wearers will be free from fear of fire and diseases.


“Om kroam kshoam Roam Namah” (Shiva Puran)
“Om Hoom Hreem Namah” (Mantra Maharnava)
“Om hreem” (Padma Puran)
“Om Hreem Kshoam Ehranih Shreem”
“Mahamrityunjai Mantra” (Brahajjalopanishad)
“OM. Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Mamritat”
“Om Namah Shivaya”

Way of Wearing

Take one bead of twelve-faced Rudraksha, cap in gold or silver, and string in a red thread. It should be touched to the Shivling and should be worn on the neck chanting the mantra.


It makes the person fearless and trouble-free. It also provides quality leadership control over people. Removes all types of tension and makes the wearer radiant like the sun, gives inner strength, and makes the person happy within.

Who should wear it?

Worn by all those persons who want to become happy and prosperous and also by those who are engaged in gaining authority and power like administrators, businessmen politicians, and senior professionals.


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